Inger Fara Aripi
Era un copil cu varsta cuprinsa in jur de 4 ani cu niste ochi mari ca culoarea ierbii in ajun de Toamna..Firele de par ii suflau in directia in care vantul isi facea drum.Avea un par negru ca carbunele cum n-am mai intalnit o asa frumusete in viata mea...Ma uitam la acest ingeras cat de vesel era,si aveai senzatia ca zbura de fericire fara prezenta unei perechi de aripi.Si ma intrebam,oare noi oamenii astia mari de ce nu am fi la fel? Ce ne impedica sa fim fericiti,sa fim mai buni,sa fim mai reali,sa fim mai ingeri.Da! De ce nu am putea sa ne pastram puritatea copilariei? Si cred ca secretul se ascunde in fiecare din noi.
Era un copil cu varsta cuprinsa in jur de 4 ani cu niste ochi mari ca culoarea ierbii in ajun de Toamna..Firele de par ii suflau in directia in care vantul isi facea drum.Avea un par negru ca carbunele cum n-am mai intalnit o asa frumusete in viata mea...Ma uitam la acest ingeras cat de vesel era,si aveai senzatia ca zbura de fericire fara prezenta unei perechi de aripi.Si ma intrebam,oare noi oamenii astia mari de ce nu am fi la fel? Ce ne impedica sa fim fericiti,sa fim mai buni,sa fim mai reali,sa fim mai ingeri.Da! De ce nu am putea sa ne pastram puritatea copilariei? Si cred ca secretul se ascunde in fiecare din noi.
De cele mai multe ori nu ne m-ai bucura aceste mici nuante si incepem sa cautam senzatii tari.Traim intr-o lume unde daca nu ai bani nu ai valoare.Traim in lumea asta evoluata in care iubirea nu mai are aceiasi putere ca odinioara.Suntem precum niste ingeri fara aripi,si asa vor fi si copii nostri daca nu vom schimba noi ceva.Evolutia ne-a prins pe ne-asteptate.E timpul sa ne aducem aminte ce ne facea fericiti cand eram mici si sa facem o recapitulare la toate acele sentimente acum cand suntem mari.Sa incercam sa fim din nou copii atunci cand suntem in preajma copiilor nostri sau a nepotilor sau a fratilor mai mici.Atata timp cat o sa facem ceea ce ne place si ceea ce ne aduce satisfactie tot atunci o sa ne simtim liberi.O sa simtim acea pereche de aripi. Chipul fericit a acelui copil de 4 ani este dovada ca fara prea multe lucruri poti sa te simti foarte implinit..Avem nevoie doar de liniste si de dorinta noastra de a fi sinceri cu noi insine
The Angel without wings
He was a child,about 4 years old with big eyes like the color of the grass on the eve of Autumn. The hair was blowing in the direction in which the wind was making its way. It had a black hair like charcoal as I never met such a beauty in my life ... I was looking at this angel how happy he was, and you had the feeling of happiness flying without the presence of a pair of wings. And I was wondering, were these big people why we wouldn't be the same? What prevents us from being happy, from being better, from being more real, from being angels. Yes! Why couldn't we keep our childhood purity? And I think the secret is hidden in each of us.
Most of the time you would not enjoy these little nuances and start looking for strong feelings. We live in a world where if you have no money you have no value. We live in this evolved world where love does not have the same power as it once did. We are like angels without wings, and so will our children if we do not change something. Evolution has caught us unexpectedly. It is time to remember what made us happy when we were young and to recap. to all those feelings now when we are older. We try to be children again when we are around our children or grandchildren or younger brothers. As long as we do what we like and what brings us satisfaction then we will feel free. We will feel that pair of wings. The happy face of that 4-year-old child is proof that without too many things you can feel very fulfilled. We just need our peace of mind and our desire to be honest with ourselves.
The Angel without wings
He was a child,about 4 years old with big eyes like the color of the grass on the eve of Autumn. The hair was blowing in the direction in which the wind was making its way. It had a black hair like charcoal as I never met such a beauty in my life ... I was looking at this angel how happy he was, and you had the feeling of happiness flying without the presence of a pair of wings. And I was wondering, were these big people why we wouldn't be the same? What prevents us from being happy, from being better, from being more real, from being angels. Yes! Why couldn't we keep our childhood purity? And I think the secret is hidden in each of us.
Most of the time you would not enjoy these little nuances and start looking for strong feelings. We live in a world where if you have no money you have no value. We live in this evolved world where love does not have the same power as it once did. We are like angels without wings, and so will our children if we do not change something. Evolution has caught us unexpectedly. It is time to remember what made us happy when we were young and to recap. to all those feelings now when we are older. We try to be children again when we are around our children or grandchildren or younger brothers. As long as we do what we like and what brings us satisfaction then we will feel free. We will feel that pair of wings. The happy face of that 4-year-old child is proof that without too many things you can feel very fulfilled. We just need our peace of mind and our desire to be honest with ourselves.
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