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Cosmarul American
Imi place sa citesc si mai mult sa descopar scriitori noi.Prima scriitoare Romanca pe care am descoperito era Irina Binder.Pot sa zic ca Fluturii ei mi-au intrat si mie in stomac.Am citit vol.1 si 2 dintr-o suflare,si mare mi-a fost tristetea cand le-am terminat.Dar despre Fluturi voi scri in alta postare.Acum sa va zic cum am ajuns sa citesc "Cosmarul American" de Ioana Lee.Sincer coperta nu ma convins sa o deschid nici macar titlul cartii.Cum bine stiti acestea sunt doua puncte foarte importante pentru un cititor amator si nu un critic.Ce ma convins sau cine ma convins pe mine sa deschid aceasta carte a fost persoana care mi-a facuto cadou.Si atunci am zis hai sa vedem ce va fi daca nu-mi place o inchid si o pun pe raft la colectie ca sigur va veni ziua cand o voi termina.Probabil prin aceasta postare voi putea convinge si eu la randul meu pe unii dintre voi ca macar sa o deschida.Pentru inceput va pot spune ca se citeste foarte usor si cuvintele care sunt asezate sunt atat de firesti ca nu ai cum sa nu o intelegi.Practic ai impresia ca autorul iti vorbeste direct tie in persoana.Ioana a mai scris inca doua carti inainte de aceasta sau cel putin eu atatea am gasit dupa o scurta cautare de curiozitate.Asa ca "Cosmarul American" e prelungirea la operele anterioare.Deci Ioana Lee a fost casatorita cu un Japonez.Dupa divort sa reintors in Romania si a inceput sa-si puna viata in linia de plutire incepand de la zero.Nu se gandea sa se arunce intr-o relatie de orice fel ar fi fost ea.Dar uite ca viata ne da atatea surprize asa cum ia pregatit si ei cateva.Ajunge sa se indragosteasca de un american pe nume Edward Jones si se casatoreste cu el si pleaca in Washington D.C. Majoritatea din noi vedem America ca un vis frumos mai putin ca un cosmar.Dar si fiecare din noi percepe cosmarul diferit.Sper ca v-am trezit curiozitatea suficient de mult ca sa deschideti aceasta carte sau cel putin sa o achizitionati.Si NU FAC PUBLICITATE,aceasta femeie nu ma plateste sa fac acest lucru.E doar opinia mea fata de aceasta carte,si nu sunt nici critic.Nu am facut studii ca sa pot valorifica o opera de orice natura ar fi ea.Deci ca sa o luam la punctaj pe o scara de 10 eu as da 8.0 si va doresc Lectura placuta.
The American Nightmare
I like to read,even more to discover new writers. The first Romanian writer I discovered was Irina Binder. I can say that her Butterflies got into my stomach too. I read volumes 1 and 2 from a breath, and great was my sadness when I finished them. But about Butterflies I will write in another post. Now to tell you how I got to read "American Nightmare" by Ioana Lee. Honestly the cover and book title did not convince me to even open it.As you know, these are two very important points for an amateur reader and not a critic. What convinced me or who convinced me to open this book was the person who give me this book as gift. And then I said let's see what will be if I do not like a closure and put it on the shelf to the collection that will surely come the day when I finish it. Probably through this post I will be able to convince some of you to open it at least. At first I can tell you that it is very easy to read and the words that are placed are so natural and you have no way of not understanding it. You have the impression that the author speaks directly to you in person. Ioana has written two more books before this or at least I found so much after a brief search for curiosity. " American Nightmare" is the extension to previous books. So Ioana Lee was married to a Japanese. After the divorce she returned to Romania and began to put her life on the waterline starting from scratch. She did not think to throw in a relationship of any kind would have been this relation.But the life gives us so many surprises as we are not prepared for some of them. She ends up falling in love with an American named Edward Jones and get married to him and leaves to Washington DC. Most of us see America as a beautiful dream less than a nightmare. But each of us perceives the nightmare differently. I hope I have aroused enough curiosity to open this book or at least to buy it. And I DON'T MAKE ADVERTISEMENT , this woman does not pay me to do this. It is only my opinion of this book, and I am not a critic either. I have not done any studies which allows me to evaluate whatever nature it is.On a scale of 10 I would give 8.0 and I wish you a pleasant Reading.
Imi place sa citesc si mai mult sa descopar scriitori noi.Prima scriitoare Romanca pe care am descoperito era Irina Binder.Pot sa zic ca Fluturii ei mi-au intrat si mie in stomac.Am citit vol.1 si 2 dintr-o suflare,si mare mi-a fost tristetea cand le-am terminat.Dar despre Fluturi voi scri in alta postare.Acum sa va zic cum am ajuns sa citesc "Cosmarul American" de Ioana Lee.Sincer coperta nu ma convins sa o deschid nici macar titlul cartii.Cum bine stiti acestea sunt doua puncte foarte importante pentru un cititor amator si nu un critic.Ce ma convins sau cine ma convins pe mine sa deschid aceasta carte a fost persoana care mi-a facuto cadou.Si atunci am zis hai sa vedem ce va fi daca nu-mi place o inchid si o pun pe raft la colectie ca sigur va veni ziua cand o voi termina.Probabil prin aceasta postare voi putea convinge si eu la randul meu pe unii dintre voi ca macar sa o deschida.Pentru inceput va pot spune ca se citeste foarte usor si cuvintele care sunt asezate sunt atat de firesti ca nu ai cum sa nu o intelegi.Practic ai impresia ca autorul iti vorbeste direct tie in persoana.Ioana a mai scris inca doua carti inainte de aceasta sau cel putin eu atatea am gasit dupa o scurta cautare de curiozitate.Asa ca "Cosmarul American" e prelungirea la operele anterioare.Deci Ioana Lee a fost casatorita cu un Japonez.Dupa divort sa reintors in Romania si a inceput sa-si puna viata in linia de plutire incepand de la zero.Nu se gandea sa se arunce intr-o relatie de orice fel ar fi fost ea.Dar uite ca viata ne da atatea surprize asa cum ia pregatit si ei cateva.Ajunge sa se indragosteasca de un american pe nume Edward Jones si se casatoreste cu el si pleaca in Washington D.C. Majoritatea din noi vedem America ca un vis frumos mai putin ca un cosmar.Dar si fiecare din noi percepe cosmarul diferit.Sper ca v-am trezit curiozitatea suficient de mult ca sa deschideti aceasta carte sau cel putin sa o achizitionati.Si NU FAC PUBLICITATE,aceasta femeie nu ma plateste sa fac acest lucru.E doar opinia mea fata de aceasta carte,si nu sunt nici critic.Nu am facut studii ca sa pot valorifica o opera de orice natura ar fi ea.Deci ca sa o luam la punctaj pe o scara de 10 eu as da 8.0 si va doresc Lectura placuta.
The American Nightmare
I like to read,even more to discover new writers. The first Romanian writer I discovered was Irina Binder. I can say that her Butterflies got into my stomach too. I read volumes 1 and 2 from a breath, and great was my sadness when I finished them. But about Butterflies I will write in another post. Now to tell you how I got to read "American Nightmare" by Ioana Lee. Honestly the cover and book title did not convince me to even open it.As you know, these are two very important points for an amateur reader and not a critic. What convinced me or who convinced me to open this book was the person who give me this book as gift. And then I said let's see what will be if I do not like a closure and put it on the shelf to the collection that will surely come the day when I finish it. Probably through this post I will be able to convince some of you to open it at least. At first I can tell you that it is very easy to read and the words that are placed are so natural and you have no way of not understanding it. You have the impression that the author speaks directly to you in person. Ioana has written two more books before this or at least I found so much after a brief search for curiosity. " American Nightmare" is the extension to previous books. So Ioana Lee was married to a Japanese. After the divorce she returned to Romania and began to put her life on the waterline starting from scratch. She did not think to throw in a relationship of any kind would have been this relation.But the life gives us so many surprises as we are not prepared for some of them. She ends up falling in love with an American named Edward Jones and get married to him and leaves to Washington DC. Most of us see America as a beautiful dream less than a nightmare. But each of us perceives the nightmare differently. I hope I have aroused enough curiosity to open this book or at least to buy it. And I DON'T MAKE ADVERTISEMENT , this woman does not pay me to do this. It is only my opinion of this book, and I am not a critic either. I have not done any studies which allows me to evaluate whatever nature it is.On a scale of 10 I would give 8.0 and I wish you a pleasant Reading.
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